More time for the patient, increased patient safety, and a better work environment
Do you want to focus entirely on the patient?
Our digital coworker ALMA utilizes all existing medical records to help you provide the right treatment at every patient meeting. It identifies what needs to be documented and automates parts of the workflow. ALMA integrates with your current Electronic Health Record (EHR) system and is quick to get started with.
ALMA ensures that the patient receives the right treatment. It thoroughly reviews the medical record and other information sources during each visit, comparing them against current guidelines and treatment recommendations. If it detects any discrepancies or risks of medical errors, it immediately notifies the clinician.
ALMA suggests actions related to the discrepancies it identifies. It also prepares ready-to-use referrals, tests, and prescriptions. Additionally, it compiles medical summaries, making transitions between EHR systems easier. Administrative tasks become quicker and more efficient, giving you more time to focus on the patient.
Efficient and safe workflows positively impact the organization’s productivity and profitability. ALMA helps you meet target criteria by assisting with tasks such as medication reviews, assigning KVÅ codes, and diagnoses, ensuring you receive the correct compensation for your work.
ALMA simplifies the transition to a new EHR system
Switching medical records systems often risks missing important information and increasing administrative time for each patient visit. ALMA addresses this by gathering patient data and presenting a comprehensive medical summary to healthcare staff. ALMA can also transfer information to the new system. This enhances patient safety and saves time for the organization.
Example: Kim, 69 years old
Kim, 69, has tablet-treated diabetes and high blood pressure. They visit their healthcare center for an annual diabetes follow-up. Kim feels well but is a bit more tired than usual.
The physician performs a routine examination of the heart, lungs, and blood pressure, and orders the annual tests.
Scenario 1: Without ALMA
There is information about Kim in the old medical records system that the physician doesn’t have time to review. The physician renews Kim's prescriptions for diabetes and blood pressure medication and schedules them for next year’s follow-up.
The physician has missed that Kim is at risk for organ complications.
Scenario 2: With ALMA
There is information about Kim in the old medical records system. ALMA reads data from both the old and new systems and provides an overview of relevant information from previous visits.
ALMA scans the records and issues a warning. Previous test results show albuminuria on two occasions, indicating worsening kidney function and kidney disease.
ALMA offers recommendations and streamlines the investigation process for kidney disease.
ALMA can automatically transfer diagnoses, medications, and notes from the old to the new system. The physician reviews and approves the transfer before the information is saved.
Administrative assistance through automation
ALMA not only reviews medical records to identify discrepancies. It also prepares ready-made suggestions for prescriptions, referrals, and test orders. This means you no longer have to write them yourself, simplifying your workflow.
The information is automatically gathered from various parts of the medical record and compiled into a complete draft that you can adjust before sending. ALMA also suggests where referrals and test samples should be sent, tailored to your specific healthcare unit.
ALMA currently supports 200 different guidelines across 15 areas, including COPD, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. New knowledge areas are continuously added to the service and become available to all users at no additional cost.
Switching EHR systems
ALMA simplifies the transition to a new Electronic Health Record (EHR) system by creating a comprehensive medical summary and transferring the necessary information to the new system.
Digital healthcare meetings
ALMA connects your medical records system with your digital healthcare platform, seamlessly transferring information between the two.
ALMA assists in selecting the right patients for research studies based on diagnoses, measurements, medications, and free-text notes.
ALMA generates a referral based on patient data, including an anamnesis with details such as gender, age, past illnesses, and relevant test results.
ALMA helps set up alerts for patients, such as warnings for chemotherapy treatment.
Lab tests
ALMA assists in ordering relevant tests from clinical chemistry and microbiology labs.
ALMA generates a medication order based on patient data, including previous diagnoses, blood tests, and measurement values.
Ordering examinations
ALMA suggests examinations based on the patient’s medical record, such as spirometry, echocardiography, and ECG.
Information materials
ALMA provides the appropriate documents when needed, including patient information materials and knowledge support for healthcare professionals.